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Articles Published in the Montreal Gazette (and in Viewpoints)

On Being a Jewish Writer in Quebec, Viewpoints (supplément littéraire du Canadian Jewish News), 26 mai 1983, p. 3.

Heavy hand of the elite hinders Quebec culture, The Gazette, 20 octobre 1978, p. 9.

Outside cultures still rejected by today's Quebec, The Gazette, 10 juin 1978, p. 9.

Quebec's Jews: Victims of a myth, The Gazette, 9 juin 1978, p. 9.

Also on : Quebec's Jews: Victims of a myth

Need to struggle makes Quebec culture stronger

As the Education Columnist at The Gazette  

Calls made to teach human rights in schools, 20 août 1988, p. B.6.

International schools popular, but critics say they're elitist, 23 juillet 1988, p. B.4.

Opposition to more secular school system is strong, 9 juillet 1988, p. B. 6.

Two schools of thought on CEGEPs, 28 mai 1988, p. B. 6.

PSBGM faces identity crisis, 14 mai 1988, p. B. 4.

Parizeau's views put minority Péquistes in a quandary, 23 avril 1988.

A Jew returns home - to Egypt, 27 janvier 1988, p. B. 3.

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