Victor Teboul, Ph.D., was born in Alexandria, Egypt. He lives in Montreal (Quebec, Canada). Victor is a writer and the founding editor of the webzine, which he founded in 2002 to promote a critical approach on tolerance and diversity.
To learn more on Victor's latest essay, please tap on : Accommodating Bedfellows: Montreal’s Jewish Community and Quebec’s Intellectual Elite
Victor is the author of several books and numerous articles. He was a member of the Jury of Canada's Governor General's Literary Awards for non-fiction. Victor has also written and hosted several radio series broadcast on Radio-Canada, the French-language network of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC).
His latest essay, ''Les Juifs du Québec : In Canada We Trust. Réflexion sur l'identité québécoise'' deals with the controversial issue of Jews and other minorities absence from Quebec's memory.
As an academic, Victor has taught literature at McGill and at a college near Montreal, and history at l'Université du Québec à Montreal. He was a member of the Superior Council of Education and the Quebec Press Council. He holds several diplomas and a Ph.D. from Université de Montréal.
Public Affairs
Victor Teboul was the Quebec Executive Director of the Canada-Israel Committee, the Jewish Community’s principal lobby group, in the 1980's. He had the mandate to develop academic and political exchanges between Israel and Quebec and to promote a better understanding of Québécois-Jewish relations.
In that capacity, he organized several high-level exchanges between Quebec academics and representatives of Israeli universities, and between Quebec’s syndical leaders and members of Israel’s Histadrut (general federation of labour). Teboul also arranged visits to Israel for several high-profile Québécois intellectuals, such as Pierre Bourgault and Monique Simard, and led a writer’s delegation on an official visit to Israel. He published the popular magazine Jonathan which focused on the diversity of Quebec's Jewish community and on Israel as a pluralistic society.
The expulsion of Egypt’s Jewish community during the Suez Canal crisis, in 1956, was at the center of his widely-read novel, La Lente Découverte de l'étrangeté. "In his novel, writes Nancy Snipper of The Chronicle, Teboul introduced Maurice, a young boy totally at peace with the world. Part of the book explores this young boy's love affair with the multitude of cultures and languages swimming around him in Alexandria. He feels a part of everything - until war whisks off his father and family, and Christmas Eve becomes the last one spent in Egypt ".
His third novel Bienvenue chez Monsieur B. !, published by L’Harmattan, in Paris, in 2011, which could be translated as ''Welcome into the World of Mister B. ! '' is a work of fiction which depicts the world of power and finance within Montreal's Jewish Community. During a radio interview at Radio-Canada International, Teboul said his Parisian publisher told him it took ''hutspa'' to write Bienvenue chez Monsieur B.!.
His essay ''Libérons-nous de la mentalité d’assiégé'', ("Let Us Free Ourselves from Our Siege Mentality"), published in 2014, is a collection of provocative essays on siege mentalities. In his book, he maintains, with several examples to support his thesis, that siege mentalities are universal and can be found in many domains, from Québécois nationalists to Canadian federalists.
His first essay «Mythe et images du Juif au Québec», published in the late 1970s, provoked a public debate on the mostly negative image of the Jew in Québécois literature, which Teboul exposed and denounced.
About his work
Radio-Canada’s “Second Regard” recently devoted a TV program to his work and his journey to Canada following his family’s flight from Egypt during the 1956 Suez Crisis.
(You can also copy and paste the following LINK to your browser to view the above program : )
Victor Teboul's books are held by more than 290 libraries worldwide, to find a library close to your location, click on World Catalog's website, HERE.
To consult Victor's works as discussed by scholars, please follow Google Scholar, HERE.
Studies on his work can be found HERE.
Victor is a regular keynote speaker at various organizations and educational institutions where he is invited to speak on diversity in a multicultural world.
He writes a regular column on
His books can be purchased at as well as in bookstores.
They can also be purchased from this website, to order please click HERE
Victor Teboul on ORCID :
Victor Teboul 's ISNI : 000000011473189X
Victor Teboul's Archives and personal papers
Victor Teboul's Archives are held at Concordia University, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
More on Victor Teboul on :
Amazon, Google, Bing, Linkedin, Google Scholar.
March 2015